Piotr Zbierski

Based on an intuitive, surreal narration the photographic series of Piotr Zbierski are constantly asking questions on relationships between nature and culture, between memory and narration, as well as between experience and story telling. His photography also connect the material reality with the wider spiritual understanding of the world. The works, very poetic and full of pure emotions, invites to meditation by plumbing the depths of the human soul and the mysteries of life and death.

Nowadays more and more often I think of photography as a river on which both sides we are present at the same time. The first one are stories - well-constructed, well-thought-out narratives closed in the layouts to be seen.

On the second shore is warehouse of negatives and contacts. Here the story is open, like the act of speaking that only here has a chance to become alike to hearing. And furthermore here photography is not anymore only about love or being honest, but sharply about time. Environment of time seems to be the only worth story to connect to, as Julian Barnes once wrote: Our life is not our life, it is just a story we tell about life; we tell to others but mainly to ourselves.

„Memory is not an instrument for surveying the past but its theatre. It is the medium of past experience, just as the earth is the medium in which dead cities lie buried. He who seeks to approach his own buried past must conduct himself like a man digging". /Walter Benjamin, Berlin Childhood around 1900].